Safeguarding Policy
1. Introduction & Purpose
Wild K9s is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, vulnerable adults, and animals. We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for all participants in our programmes and activities.
​The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all individuals involved with Wild K9s are protected from harm and that we create a safe environment for children, vulnerable adults, and animals. This policy provides guidance on preventing and responding to safeguarding concerns.
2. Scope
Applicability: This policy applies to I, Amy Lacey, as the sole trader of Wild K9s, as well as any volunteers and contractors associated with Wild K9s.
Context: The policy applies to all activities within Wild K9s, including on-site training sessions, off-site events, and interactions through digital platforms.
3. Definitions
Key Terms:
Safeguarding: Protecting individuals from abuse, harm, and neglect.
Abuse: Any action that intentionally harms or injures another person or animal.
Neglect: Failure to provide necessary care, assistance, guidance, or attention that causes or is likely to cause harm.
Exploitation: Taking advantage of a person or animal for personal gain.
Types of Abuse:
​Physical Abuse: Inflicting physical harm or injury.
Emotional Abuse: Causing emotional distress through actions or words.
Sexual Abuse: Any sexual activity without consent.
Financial Abuse: Illegally or improperly using someone’s money or assets.
Neglect: Failing to provide essential care and support.​
4. Roles & Responsibilities
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): As the sole trader of Wild K9s, I, Amy Lacey, am the DSL. I am responsible for managing safeguarding concerns, ensuring any staff or volunteers are trained, and acting as the point of contact for any safeguarding issues.
Responsibilities: All volunteers and contractors must:
Understand and comply with the safeguarding policy.
Attend safeguarding training as provided.
Report any concerns immediately to the DSL.
Governance: As the sole trader, I oversee safeguarding practices, ensuring the policy is up to date and effectively implemented.
5. Procedures for Reporting Concerns
Recognising Abuse: I have completed the Level 2 qualification in Safeguarding for Pet Professionals (SAHDSA). I am trained to recognise signs of abuse and neglect, such as unexplained injuries, changes in behaviour, or signs of fear and distress.
Reporting Mechanisms:
Internal Reporting: Concerns will be recorded in a timely manner.
External Reporting: If necessary, concerns can be reported to external agencies such as social services or the police.​
Confidentiality & Information Sharing: Information about safeguarding concerns will be handled confidentially and shared only with those who need to know to protect the individual.
6. Responding to Concerns
Immediate Actions: If someone is in immediate danger, contact emergency services immediately.
​Investigation Process:​ Reports will be investigated promptly, following a clear timeline. The DSL will manage the investigation, ensuring all concerns are addressed appropriately.
Support for Victims:​ Wild K9s will provide information on available support services to victims of abuse, including counselling and advocacy services.​​
7. Prevention Measures
Safer Recruitment: All volunteers and contractors will undergo rigorous recruitment processes, including background checks and reference checks.
Training & Induction: All volunteers and contractors will receive induction training on safeguarding policies and procedures and regular refresher training.
​Code of Conduct: Volunteers and contractors must adhere to the Wild K9s Code of Conduct, promoting safe and respectful interactions with children, vulnerable adults, and animals.
8. Policy Review & Monitoring
Review Cycle: The safeguarding policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and up to date.
Monitoring & Evaluation: The implementation of the policy will be monitored regularly through feedback and incident reviews.​​
External Guidelines
This policy is informed by relevant legislation and guidelines in England and Wales, including the Children Act 1989, the Care Act 2014, and the Animal Welfare Act 2006.